The Glengarry Highland Games consist of a series of traditional Scottish competitions held annually in Maxville, Ontario, Canada, usually held the first weekend in August. These include the world famous caber toss as well as Highland Dance and pipe and drum competitions. The games span three days and attract as many as 50,000 people, they are the largest Highland Games of its kind outside of Scotland. One of the most spectacular events of the Highland Games is the Massed Bands, in which over 50 pipe and drum bands take the field in waves and play together as a single entity.
The Glengarry Games were first staged in 1948, and are home to the North American Pipe Band championships. Although primarily intended to be a showcase of traditional Scottish events such as the caber toss, the games also serve as an annual gathering of area residents as well as the various clan societies across Canada and the United States.
On Saturday 31 July 2004, the MacCulloch School of Dance set a Guinness World Record for the 'Largest Massed Performance of Highland and Step Dance'. 505 dancers and two musicians performed for 5 minutes and 13 seconds in a display of celtic dance.[1]